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This is the page to get our custom screenpacks and such rubbish. There's not much here yet, but there will be a few things in the future.

R-Type: Final Lifebar set version 1.0 Trial:
Preview of my R-Type: Final lifebars in the works

Origin: R-Type Final, A.I Versus Battle mode
Completion: 45%
Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?m7gggcg5q66c7da
Compatibility: Winmugen, Hi-WinMugen
Style: Low-Res
Notes: 1 - This is a beta type, it's far incomplete and is version 1.0

- Some icons may be too big or too small

3 - Also hinting at
incomplete stuff, the old fasioned "Fight!" and "K.O!" sprites are the
same old from the default mugen system to fill in the gaps of what I'm

4 - This lifebar set is for Winmugen or lower... Not
sure if Mugen 1.0+ will work with it.

5 - Melty Blood: Act Cadenza B style
portraits are the main cover for characters (Sprite Set Type: 9000,

6 - There are a few custom sound effects added to this one.
«  January 2025  »
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