As for now, this is a new site of mine. Basically the purpose here is to have a better and slightly more professional look and way of hosting our work, since I have anti-fans who don't want me to gain a rightful position in any other area at all. To counter this, I have discovered a way to make a personal database of my own which not only helps to go over where I couldn't go, but also host many other things as well which are beyond my weaknesses and strong points alone.
Until later on, all you will find in my frozen castle is a court yard which branches out to locations that allow the hosting of the works of art: RPG Makers' Resources, Hosted and some exclusive ripped or extracted Game Soundtracks, a project for WinMugen which actually originated from our projects from RPG Maker with a rather new, different touch and approach that is consistent of stages, trial characters, lifebars and screenpacks, etc., an old legend which was lost from Graal (the level editor!), and even a bazaar for some of our freely open and sharable resources for those of you who lack some resources, who seek some rare and unique objects which could have been abandoned long ago, or just like to collect things for fun. However, this is not a spot only for others to just come and take, sharing and giving would be a good ideal, and helps out other makers here with their projects and plans as well.
Aside of that, there's a lesser forum here which is not as recommended as my original and fourth forum: Heavenly Solace itself. This site is created under its name and its purpose is to strongly support that little forum of mine which has repelled a gang of unholy vermin who were responsible for the unjust and wrongful loss of three others to their hotbed. May curse take their family, very lives, and everything else who falls under the words of those deceivers. The forum here will mostly be oriented of any information of this site itself; news updates of what files were added, and upgrades for this new network. Other purposes of the forum will be to seek some help about certain things for the named categories which are shown in the forum here, but are not just limited to those issues alone. Friendly greetings and chatter is welcomed anytime, but try to keep a tab on the original site itself as well:
As for a secret purpose, there is a chamber for 'other needs', but you must be the proper age for 'that sort of thing'. You must be at least 18 or older and a tough audience for suggestive themes. If you are caught while under age, you will sadly have to be banished on temporary leave (this is not out of hatred, but I can't risk having you drenched in that. Let alone your parents will be angry at me, if not at you.) It is not here yet. Depending on the TOS however, this may not even be able to exist if they are firm, but if they are lenient, you will need a special pass to enter that chamber if it ever does exist. If you are not into that sort of thing, pay no heed but try to be mature toward the audience which is. I condemn no soul who is or is not into that sort of issue.
If you are not of such pathetic deceivers (and if you are, you will know that you will be punished on sight and pay the price for attempting to barge in my castle yet again, with the cost of your head, your life, and your soul destroyed, along with a curse placed on your head for all eternity!), then feel free to stay as long as you like, but if you are one of them, then you'd best go away. You are not wanted or needed here, keep out, get lost!